17 March 2011


The power of the word "imagine"... In seconds, you will be where no other person can follow. Oh, you can tell them of your journeys later on, but you will always be by yourself... and yet you'll never be alone.

Imagine sitting on millions of grains sand: hard yet soft. The noise of rushing, thundering water close at hand. A burning sun, whose hot embrace toasts your skin. A slight breeze fans your body, bringing the fresh smell of water...

See, I just led your imagination on the same path mine took. Pictures of beaches, palm trees, and waves probably sprang into your mind. You could feel the heat, hear the water, smell the air. You were beyond the reach of reality. Beyond reality, isn't that slightly terrifying, yet exciting?

Of all creatures of creation, we are the only ones that have the ability to imagine. We are special. Use your ability to your own good. Never lose your power of imagination!


  1. that picture is sooo cute :)

  2. love it:) i cant imagine life without an imagianation.thats how horrible it would be.ahh!
