07 July 2014

You think I sing for joy

You think I sing for joy
When in reality, this song is my lifeline of hope;
Faith’s final stand against the onslaught of despair.
My lips keep moving long since my heart has stopped,
For only in silence will doubt become defeat.

You think I sing for joy
When in reality, this music is my marching song
For trudging on and on through dreary days.
Thirsting for the more abundant life:
Resigned to the rain, yet longing for the sun.

You think I sing for joy
For despite the gloom, guiding stars gleam.
Storms do not last with their overcast,
But as day follows night and season follows season
So comes the calm.

You think I sing for joy
For the depth of the Father’s forgiveness
Is matched only by the width of His love.
And in my weakness,
He is Strong.

You think I sing for joy
I do.


  1. wow. this I can fully appericiate to the very core of my bones. thank you.

  2. I just have to ask, is this the Carson we just met at school meeting? :)

  3. I love your heartfelt piece of wisdom. It struck a chord with me.

  4. I'm a little late commenting on this post; I just read it. And I love it! I found your blog through Kate... and I too, am wondering if I know you lol!
