22 April 2011

How Long?

“How long must I put up with you?” 
Jesus’ actions answered his own question . . . 

Until the rooster sings 
and the sweat stings 
and the mallet rings 
And a hillside of demons smirk at a dying God. 

How long? 
Long enough for every sin 
to soak my sinless soul 
That heaven will turn in horror 
Until my swollen lips pronounce the final transaction: 
“It is finished.” 

How long? 
Until it kills me. 

Max Lucado 
from A Love Worth Giving

21 April 2011


Abraham Lincoln said "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (from Brainy Quotes)

Social silence is an interesting thing. Some people run their mouths until they verge on verbal diarrhea. Others sit in total silence, feeling left out and disjointed. I think that if you can comfortably sit in silence with someone, you have found a wonderful friend. There's a paradox to that, though: Often your friends that are most relaxed with silence are the ones you talk to the most.

11 April 2011

If Things Started Expanding...

Imagine if random objects suddenly swelled to ten times their original size. Setting the table would be a daunting task, and you might fly away if you tried to take a piece of paper outside on a windy day. And this is what a calculator would look like...

Weird, eh? This is actually the final art project for my high school course. I used a combination of cardboard, paper, paper mache, and spray paint to construct this. If I had the chance to do it again, I wouldn't take it. 

05 April 2011

Big Deal, Little Deal

As big of a deal as you make it. That's my new philosophy. 

I've found out time and again that most situations or tasks usually become as big of a deal as you make them. Most of you can probably think of times when you made a big deal out of some insignificant thing you dreaded, and later realized that your worrying had been a waste of energy. If you hadn't made it into a big deal, it would have been simple.

What would happen if you flipped the idea around? Take a little thing that you enjoy and make it into a big deal. Not to the point where you would fret over it, but rather that you could stretch it out as long as you could to squeeze every drop of enjoyment out of it.